Monthly Archives: June 2008

Melody’s Addiction at Flea this Sunday 6-15

Bring your daddies to Melody’s Addiction at the Brooklyn Flea this Sunday! I’ll be sharing a booth with Specimen Jewelry…taking it back to the early days of the Flea.

Corner of Lafayette and Vanderbuilt in Fort Greene, Brooklyn! 10-5pm. Rain or Shine! 718-809-9144.


Summer is here! Come hang out with Melody’s Addiction at the Brooklyn Flea, this Sunday, June 8th.  The Flea runs 10am to 5pm and is located on Lafayette between Clermont and Vanderbuilt in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.  I’ll be selling handmade jewelry and some vintage/thrifty wears I gathered in my travels last summer/fall. Look for me under one of the several red tents! Call 718-809-9144 if you can’t find me!

…and now a word about Grace Jones…

She’s my inspiration!